Delivering Tamper-Evident Dairy Packaging

Demand from consumers and retailers for confidence in both the freshness and the integrity of food and drink products is stronger than ever.  Induction heat sealing meets those needs.

Tamper Evidence: Create the Perfect Package

Peter Tindale, European Sales Director at Selig describes the lining materials and how the process variables of pressure, heat and time are critical to the success of induction heat sealing.

Lift ‘n’ Peel™ Ranks 1st in Consumer Research

Safety, leak prevention, and maintaining freshness were ranked as the most important packaging features in a recent consumer study.  Lift ‘n Peel™ was found to be the most preferred sealing option to meet these features.

Tamper Evidence in Healthcare Packaging

One proven tamper-evident technology for rigid containers is induction cap sealing.  This approach uses a multi-layer laminated liner inside the container cap.